About Our Community

We are a Torah Learning Center that serves as a platform in the Mountain for all who desire to learn Torah Judaism. Our goal is to facilitate a place for all who wish to learn Torah from a Jewish perspective and learn authentic Jewish history. We are not a Jewish Synagogue nor are we a messianic congregation. We are a learning center that facilitates a place for those who want to embrace traditional Judaism. Our focus is in character building (Mussar) and teaching the weekly Torah portions for those who are in transition to Judaism or Noahides.
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Our Beliefs & Values

We are a Torah Learning Center that teaches Torah Judaism. This means that our foundation is in the Tanach. We teach the core value of Judaism, which includes character building (Mussar) and Jewish philosophy. 

Torah Observant Community


We believe that there is ONE TRUE God, the God of Israel. 

Righteous Justice

We believe that having healthy relationships requires meeting people where there are in their current faith. Trying to convert people is not a process we endorse.  


We believe that understanding God’s Peace allows us to experience healthy relationships and share the essence of God’s Shalom with others. 


Judaism teaches that the path to restoration to God and quality life is founded in repentance.  


We are a Learning Center that operates within the boundaries of Torah Judaism. We have a Rabbi that oversees our learning center and teaches us authentic Judaism.