Meet Our Leadership

"Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety." ~Proverbs 11:14
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Who We Are

Meet The Leadership

Founder/Teacher: Richard Cortes

Founder/Teacher: Richard Cortes

With formal training and over 15 years of dedicated study in Judaism, Richard has the ability to deliver powerful messages that bring direct connection to the community. With a diverse understanding of the scriptures’ and other key references such as Hassidic Philosophy and Mussar teachings, Richard is well prepared to guide and direct like-minded believers. 

Dave Most

Dave Most

Worship Team

Alpha Cortes

Alpha Cortes

Women's Group/Children's Teaching Facilitator

Nellie Viana

Nellie Viana

Dance Coordinator

Joel & Stefani Most

Joel & Stefani Most

Worship Team

Chris Lengyel

Chris Lengyel

Life Coach